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Wholesale Shade
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How To Order

How to fill out the order/quote form
* All orders must be sent to

"Quote/Order/3-Day": Indicates type of request. Additional charge will apply to 3-Day orders.


On the top section of the order form you are going to want to make sure that all the contact and shipping information is correct. Please make sure to include email as we send tracking and billing information via email.


"# of units on this order": This refers to the total number of sails in this order and which sail is on this page. If you have multiple sails in one order, please fill out one page per sail and number them in this section.


"Blind ship": We will ship directly to your customer, with your return label on it, not ours.


"Signature required": Requires that someone is present to sign for your delivery. If signature not required, we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages.

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Wholesale Shade

"Fabric and Color": Select Fabric Manufacturer and desired color, see Fabric page for options. 


"Hems Up or Down": When the edges are folded over and a pocket is sewn for the cable, a hem or seam is created. Hems up means that you will not see the hems or seams as they will face the sky. 


"Cable": Indicate size and type of cable, i.e. 3/16 stainless steel. 


"Webbing": An alternative option to cable for smaller sails is webbing. The maximum edge length for webbing is 15 feet. Select between exposed or hidden webbing. 


"Grommets": For Shade Panels with straight edges, i.e. no curve. Note in drawing how far apart you want the grommets to be placed.


"Corner": Indicate corner hardware as either D Ring, D Ring Thimble, or EZ Hold. Indicate size of Ring.


"Hardware": Indicate if you are providing your own hardware or purchasing hardware from us. Be sure to indicate size and quantity. Also note location of hardware on drawing.


*Please Note: Cable, Corners, and Hardware should all match in size.

On this section of the order form the first thing you are going to do is draw the shape of the shade sail with all the lengths of its sides and diagonal measurements (the diagonals are not needed for triangles).


Next you will then need to label the heights of each attachment point and what they are being attached with. (TB in BLUE means Turnbuckles) (DC means direct connect with bow shackle)


You will also need to label where you want the cable to come out on your shade sail.


Label which way is north.


Curve percentage is determined by the customer. Remember, the larger percentage of curve, the more dramatic looking the sail & vice versa.


* All orders must be sent to

Wholesale Shade
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